God loves with an eternal love, calls to Himself and is faithful in his love (Is 49:15; Jer 31:3). He invites the one who wishes to follow Him and demands a response of free and responsible fidelity that has to be renewed time and time again.
Religious vocation is a continual response that is realized for one’s personal sanctification and for the good of others in the church.
Stages of Formation
- Aspirancy
The candidate search and desire more of God and live in a designated religious house in their initial stages of formation. The first nine months of stage is called “Come and See’’ where they come to know more about our congregation and its Charism and mission.
Once they are convinced of their call they continue with their basic studies and of the religious formation. This is the time for transition from lay life to the religious life. The formator assists the aspirant in her growth in spiritual, social, and intellectual and emotional maturity. During this period the community as well as the aspirants come to know each other for a better discernment. The aspirant will grow in her relationship with Christ through personal prayers, spiritual reading, guidance and human activities. During this period they complete their intermediate.
- Pre-Novitiate:
The postulancy is the period where the aspirant is helped to discern her vocation through daily and progressive experience of our life in community and allows the congregation to know the candidate to verify the authenticity of her vocation in our religious family. The formator will accompany her to mature humanly, socially and spiritually to make her understand the requirements of Religious life and to recognize her capability to live the demands of a daughter of Divine Providence.
- Novitiate:
The young Postulant is introduced to living in full the consecrated life in the congregation of the Daughters of Divine Providence. It`s principal aim is to make the Novice know the demands of religious life and to exercise it in view of a perfect charity, through the practice of Evangelical Counsels of which she will make profession. The novice besides her study on the history on the institute, will dedicate herself for the meditation of Sacred Scripture and practice religious discipline. The novice Mistress will accompany and sustain the novice to assess her capability to give herself to God in our Institute.
- Juniorate:
It is done in various communities with periodic personal and common meetings. The junior will be offered the chance to deepen the theology of the evangelical counsels and of the consecrated life as well as the spirituality and mission of our religious family and the choices which the congregation takes. It should also allow for practical and professional formation and initiation into the apostolic life of the institute. When the sister has shown the capacity to live her consecration according to the Charism of the institute She will request for the Perpetual profession.
- Ongoing Formation
Every sister has the personal responsibility to deepen the theology of vocation and consecration for the better contribution of the mission of the church. Each sister is encouraged for the spiritual renewal courses, religious sciences, human formation, psychology, catechetic, seminars etc.
Come and See Sr. Shanty Panamattathil (Formator)
Aspirants Sr. Dhanya (Formato
Postulants Sr. Reena Puthenpurackal