Living the Church as communion, in the conviction that “there are diversity of Charism, but only one Spirit”(1Cor.12,4), makes the Laity reflect and find out ways through which they can co-operate and participate, to make the Christian existence more meaningful living the faith of Baptism.
Some people, pulled by the H. Spirit, they felt attracted by the figure of Mother Elena Bettini and called to live, remaining in the world, the same Charism of the FDP, making themselves available to accept the challenge of a Christianity which communicates the evangelical message of the “abandonment to the Divine Providence”, seeking first the Kingdom of God (Mt.6, 25-34) with a special characteristic “ trustful abandonment in the good and Provident Father”.
- The lay person who discovers to be in intone with the Charism of Elena Bettini, is called to live a filial, trustful abandonment to the Divine Providence, in every situation of life, always remembering the evangelical page (Mt. 6,25-34) that invites to look at the birds of the air and the flowers of the field, subjects of the loving attention of the heavenly Father who does not forget none of His creatures.
He, inserted fully in the social and ecclesial reality of his time, makes present the love of the Father with the proclamation, the witnessing of life and charity. Being attentive to the human poverty, promotes the life in solidarity with the sufferings and the necessity of the brothers.
- The Lay FDP, allowing himself formed by the Son of God “ meek and humble of heart” lives a confident relationship of a son with he father. He makes Himself attentive to capture His presence in the daily events and chooses His will as his own. Entrusting oneself to Him, lives the daily experience of suffering in the light of the Paschal mystery.
The unconditional love of Christ facilitates him to be “ luminous witness of the Providence” at home, in the professional field and in one’s own social and pastoral commitment.
In Mary, the Mother of Divine Providence, finds the model of faith, of unlimited trust, abandon and freedom of giving. In Elena Bettini finds a mother and a sister who knows the ways of humility, simplicity and in becoming “providence” in freedom and joy.
- The lay FDP nourishes his spirituality, unifying faith and life in his day to day life:
- In his wilful and active participation to the liturgical and sacramental life of the Church,
- In the careful listening and meditation of the Word of God,
- In his personal prayer, prayer in the family e the community,
- In his Evangelical commitment in temporal events,
- In his trustful love to Mary, the Mother of D. Providence.
- Called to be, as the Ven. Mother Elena Bettini and Fr. Tommaso Manini, expert in being human, the lay FDP cultivates a style of vita which is simple, humble and serene, available to donate his time, his energies, resources to the service of others, especially those who are in need. Sets his relationships in the respect and acceptance of each person, being transparent in the serene assurance that our lives are in the hands of God, our Father.
The Charism of “seek first God’s Kingdom” makes the lay FDP courageous and creative in the proclamation of the Gospel everywhere: the family, the work place, in the cultural, political and economical world.
The lay FDP is co-responsible with all the people of God in the Church’s mission. Participates actively to the life of the local Church
The lay FDP is co-responsible with all the people of God of the ecclesial mission. Participates actively to the life of the local Church even collaborating in the ministries proper to the FDP: education, evangelization and pastoral.
His mission is characterized by:
- The particular attitude to see and to serve Jesus, the Son of God especially in the least ones and in those whose dignity as children of God is disfigured.
- The communitarian dimension of the service, in collaboration with all and in open acceptance of the diversities of culture, mentality and religion;
- The universality and the desire to promote and evangelize all men.
Lay and the sisters FDP share particular moments of:
- Fraternal life and prayer, especially the occasions of our Religious family Celebrations;
- Communication and verification regarding the fidelity to the Charism, to the signs of times and to the Ecclesial orientations;
- Experiences and information regarding the life and pastoral activity: elaboration and realization of the formative itinerary;
- Common service to the “ poorest” in the same socio-pastoral platforms.