Our dispensary becomes smaller and smaller as the days pass and the patients increase in number. We provide for them even financial support for surgeries and hospital admissions. Many are given food before the treatment not to administer the medicine in empty stomach.Thus and in many other ways we continue the healing ministry serving many poor and deserving. Even medical camps are made available to the needy.
“Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers that you do unto me” Says Jesus. Trusting in the words of Jesus the sisters began to take care of the leprosy patients and their children. While visiting their families the sisters understood their inability to do anything. Therefore they began to distribute provisions once in a month. Every first Saturday of the month and giving one day for 10 need people.
In the last two years, with the help of some generous benefactors and NGOs we built around 20 houses for families living in tacked houses. Especially thinking of the girl children in the families not having a safe shelter for the night, we took initiatives to build for them strong and safe houses.