First Profession of Sr. Jeeta

Called to Greater Love

“Nothing happens by accident. God is preparing you for great things.”

Today, on May 7th, 2023, our Novice, Sr. M. Jeeta of Sacred Heart of Jesus, made her commitment to God, in the Congregation of the Daughters of Divine Providence. By the profession of three vows: Chastity, Poverty and Obedience, she declared her readiness to follow Jesus more closely.

It was a day of GREAT JOY! Not to mention how all of Heaven must have rejoiced on this day. The Divine Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, received Sister’s “holocaust”! May the fire of His love burning in her heart bring light, warmth, and salvation to a world in need. She was preparing for this moment for almost two years in the Novitiate, under the guidance of the Novice Mistress, Sr. Reena Puthenpurackal. She has had been learning about the Congregation, the Founders, vows and religious life as well as the History of the church. After a period of intense prayer, preparation and discernment, this bold and beautiful bride of Christ, seal her choice of life in her first profession by setting aside the allurements of an attractive world.

The Eucharistic celebration was held at Carmalaram, in Providence Nilaya. The Chapel was filled with family members, religious, invited guests and friends to share the joy, and witness the sisters’ profession of religious vows.

The ceremony was held o on the Birthday of our Father Founder, Fr. Thomas Manini, A Solemn Mass was celebrated by Fr. Fr. Robin CMF who preached on the detachment mandated by the vows and the zeal that all Christians must share for the salvation of souls. The Professions of Vows was accepted by the Regional Superior Sr. Mary Thumbalan FDP.

The celebration was magnified as the newly professed sister, Sr. Jeeta, partook in the fellowship meal along with their family members and sisters and friends.

As we thank God for this beautiful moment, we entrust the newly professed sister, Sr. Jeeta to our prayers. May she grow in her vocation and become effective instrument of God’s Love and providence to the world. May she find joy and fulfilment as well as receive many blessings as she gives herself to the service of God and His Church!